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Pack 230 News

St. Ignatius Church Auditorium

LINK to the Pinewood Derby Page

Cars will be checked in Friday Night 6pm-8pm in Church Basement
(Parents volunteers needed on February 21st evening for set-up)
Photos via email of your Pinewood Derby Car will be due by 2/16 to be entered in the Contest for:
Best Overall
Most Patriotic
Best Scout theme
Best Sports theme

The Tamanend District Pinewood Derby is on March 8th at TBD.

“You know mom, this isn’t really a race car. It’s more of a stunt car.”
GREAT READ: Sportsmanship is the Real Winner at Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby Tips

Please don’t forget to follow the rules and practice good sportsmanship!  Please don’t modify the wheels!  Most stickers, paints and supplies can be purchased at Michael’s Crafts near the mall.  Some more exotic design elements, lead and tungsten weights can be found on the web.

Design aids

 Please feel free to contact JR with any questions.

Link to Adult Scout Info

In order to create a Safe Environment in which our children can thrive, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia imposes certain requirements for all staff members and volunteers.  Please turn them in at the rectory immediately.

Parents cannot go on trips unless they have their clearances.

  • There is a comprehensive list on the parish website.
  • Please Contact Mark Pellegrino, Chartered Organization Representative, with questions.
  • We have recommended that all parents, even if they are not registering, get their clearance to avoid confusion.
  • Anyone who has contact with youth as a volunteer with Troop or Pack 230 must take PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN TRAINING CLASS. If you are a registered leader, you must take this class. Committee members or parents who do not have contact with youth do not need to take this class, but it is highly recommended and required for transporting Scouts, not your child, or attending activities with them where there will be other children.
  • Please send David Iannacone (Committee Chair) copies of the following documents: Pennsylvania State Police Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, and the Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers (signed)

    If any Cub Scout would like to earn one of the Catholic religious medals, please email Jen Wiggins. She will be coordinating the purchase of the activity booklets and the distribution of the medals. The totals for these items come to $20. Please PayPal or make checks payable to “Pack 230.”

The booklets have about 20 little activities the boys are supposed to complete; most only take 10 minutes or so. Then in March or April, they’ll meet in the rectory to discuss what they did. In May at our Scout Mass, celebrated just before the Blue and Gold dinner, The medals will be blessed and presented to the boys after the homily.

First and second grade Cub Scouts can earn the Light of Christ medal. (Although it seems working on the Light of Christ medal is better geared to a second grader than a first grader, but first graders are still eligible.) Third, fourth, and fifth grade cub scouts can earn the Parvuli Dei medal.