The Pinewood Derby is Saturday, February 22nd 8AM-NOON in the St. Ignatius Auditorium

LINK to the Pinewood Derby Page

Cars will be checked in Friday Night 6pm-8pm in Church Basement
(Parents volunteers needed on February 21st evening for set-up)
Photos via email of your Pinewood Derby Car will be due by 2/16 to be entered in the Contest for:
Best Overall
Most Patriotic
Best Scout theme
Best Sports theme

The Tamanend District Pinewood Derby is on March 8th at TBD.

“You know mom, this isn’t really a race car. It’s more of a stunt car.”
GREAT READ: Sportsmanship is the Real Winner at Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby Tips

Please don’t forget to follow the rules and practice good sportsmanship!  Please don’t modify the wheels!  Most stickers, paints and supplies can be purchased at Michael’s Crafts near the mall.  Some more exotic design elements, lead and tungsten weights can be found on the web.

Design aids

 Please feel free to contact JR with any questions.

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